MASOUD GHARAEI, Black and white street poetry

MASOUD GHARAEI, Black and white street poetry

Masoud Gharaei is a young Iranian photographer from Tehran whose main inspiration is everyday life, observing people and their manners in an urban environment. His work is a kind of a modern visual poetry of life in Iran. He loves to walk through the streets to capture with his camera his view of the city and its people.

“Sometimes I show people who I don’t know the photo that I’ve taken of them. They’re very surprised and their enthusiasm encourages me to continue.”

Masoud Gharaei was born in 1988 in Behshar, in the north of Iran, and has received a master’s degree in Industrial Management at the Azadi University of Tehran.

All photos by Masoud Gharaei
Text: Anahita Vessier

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ROXANA FAZELI, Portray of Iran

ROXANA FAZELI, Portray of Iran

Roxana Fazeli is a talented Iranian photographer who lives in Tehran. She observes in her pictures the multi-facets of culture and society in Iran. Here a selection of photos that she has taken on several journeys travelling with Iranian tribes (Qashquaïs, Turkmans, Kurds) who have preserved their traditions and old way of living.

After a Bachelor degree in photography at Azad University of Tehran, Roxana has been working since then as a freelance documentary photographer. She’s working for Iranian and foreign newspapers and magazines.

Throughout her travel with the tribes Roxana met simple but generous people, farmers, shepherds who welcomed her in their house.

Iranians no matter which level of society they belong to are known for their excellence of hospitality.

All photos by Roxana Fazeli
Text: Anahita Vessier

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