IRACEMA TREVISAN, Brazilian essence of chic

IRACEMA TREVISAN, Brazilian essence of chic

To me, Ira, is someone who has an incredible feeling for style and chic, the way she mixes colors, accessories, prints, the way she’s wearing her own creations of her brand Heart Heart Heart. This twisted chic, her Brazilian origin, her life now in Paris and her career as the former bass player of the Brazilian indie band Cansei de Ser Sexy make her style so unique, personal and intriguing.

Your scarves are all produced in limited edition and are numbered, almost like art pieces. Why did you choose scarves as your main item?

During my studies I got very passionate about textile print and the easiest item to wear print is a scarf.
I don’t want to give a precise date to my creations, that’s why I replaced the collections by series. A scarf is a timeless piece that you keep all your life and that you can wear in so many different ways.

Where are your inspirations for your textile design coming from?

Nature. The relation between nature and man.

“I get inspired by nature, trees, animals, insects and combine these natural elements with something very “unnatural” that has no reason to be there.”

Who are the artists that inspire you?

I’m really into conceptual art, especially some female artists like Agnes Martin and Jay De Feo. Most of the time it’s not about a particular work or esthetics, but more about the artistic gesture, the creative path to arrive where they did.

Are you planning to design other items than shawls for Heart Heart Heart?

Yes always. I’m naturally sliding to jewelry. But there are plenty of other possibilities.

You’re recent collaboration was with the American artist Miranda July. How did this projet happen?

It’s been a projet I’ve been thinking of for a long time. Miranda is a friend, but apart from that she’s one of the most striking contemporary artists.

“It’s always my intention to bring something more to the design, something that tells a story.”

Why did you choose Heart Heart Heart as the name of your brand?

For the image that brings to mind, and also for the words that are hidden in the word “heart”, earth and art.

Do you listen to music when you design? Which music did you listen to for your latest collection?

I listen to rap and hip-hop all the time. In my opinion that’s where you find today energy and innovation. Rock comes and goes and recently has made me really bored with too many references from the past…like fashion does sometimes.

You’ve been the bass player of the Brazilian indie band Cansei de Ser Sexy. Why did you switch from music to fashion?

I was already in fashion before doing music. I was working as a fashion designer for Alexandre Herchcovitch. I was making music on the weekends. Cansei de Ser Sexy was existing since 2003. It was a great time and an amazing experience. We were very spontaneous at the beginning. However while we were working on the the 2nd album, suddenly we tried to control everything, there was no magic and spontaneity any more. And that’s the moment when I left the band. I decided to move to Paris and make a master at the IFM.

Even though you’ve left music, you collaborate from time to time on music projects, such as on the cover for Nicolas Godin’s latest album “Contrepoint”. How was it to collaborate with Nicolas, who is also your fiancé? What did inspire you for this album cover?

Nicolas and I, we had the idea together. A friend of us who is a photographer made the photo especially for the cover and I added the paint brush on it.

And why lips?

The album is very sexy and has something very sensual. I wanted to reflect this sensuality of the music through the album cover.

Being from Brazil and living now in Paris, what do you like of Paris and the Parisian style? Wha do you miss about Brazil? And how do you combine both cultures and mentalities in your every day live, in your work? Is there a typical Brazilian tradition or habit that you keep in your Parisian life?

Haha! Being late counts? … Brazil is really easy-going and layed back, which is good but also a curse because it’s really hard to get work well done or done at all.
I love how the french take style seriously, it’s a way of living and one of their most well-known talent they export all around the world.
I try to make things light around me, think of the sunshine back home. Maybe that is a contribution. Brazilians are also more free with fashion and style. We don’t have much to look up to from the past, so people think they can invent their own story.

Is there a special object that is very important to you that you took with you moving from Sao Paulo to Paris?

I brought a beautiful old edition of the novel “Iracema”. I was named after the title’s name.

What comes to your mind when you hear about “Iran”?

The Persian empire, history class, … also Persian design that is so intricate and beautiful, like the women in Iran.

Portray of Iracema by Christophe Roué
Photos of Iracema’s shawls by Iracema Trevisan
Concept of Nicolas Godin’s album cover “Contrepoint ” by Iracema Trevisan
Text: Anahita Vessier

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