Merging Horizons


« Merging Horizons » is an exhibition curated by Tatiana Gecmen-Waldek and Anahita Vessier in collaboration with Ab Anbar Gallery at Cromwell Place in London.

It refers to the concept of ‘fusion of horizons’ by the German philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900-2002) and creating a dialogue between two Iranian artists, Sonia Balassanian and Hessam Samavatian.

A dialectical concept that results from the rejection of two alternatives: objectivism, where the objectification of the other is achieved by forgetting oneself; and absolute knowledge, according to which that universal history can be articulated in a single horizon. Consequently, he maintains that we exist neither in closed horizons, nor in a single horizon.

This notion of « horizons » refers in our show to the visual perception of horizons one can find in Sonia Balassanian’s and Hessam Samavatian’s works as well as to « horizon » as a way to conceptualize our discernment. The horizon is as far as we can perceive or understand it. Comprehension occurs when our current knowledge is shifted to a new, broader horizon suggested by an encounter, an experience or even a surprise.

Our exhibition « Merging Horizons » interpretates this fusion by connecting the spectators’ knowledge with the artists’ expression of horizons broadening its perception beyond imagination.

Tatiana Gecmen-Waldek and Anahita Vessier

“Merging Horizon” private viewing cocktail at Cromwell Place, May 24th 2022:


Coverphoto (Home): flyer featuring Sonia Balassanian’s work “Untitled 2018”
Photos: Michal Rubin
Text: Tatiana Gecmen-Waldek & Anahita Vessier

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